Let’s shape a sustainable
future together

sustainable is our core, and the driver behind our products, our processes, and our ways of working.

At Pure Souls, we cultivate a transparent, sustainable, compassionate, and holistic approach to end-of-life care. We firmly believe in the wisdom of Mother Nature, and thus, we strive to replicate natural processes, contribute to the efficacy of life cycles, and embrace a circular economy.
This philosophy is integral to our mission

Our holistic approach



Giving back

Carbon Neutrality

We measure, reduce and offset our emissions with local carbon offsets and are proud to be Australia’s first Carbon Neutral pet crematorium, showing commitment to our values and rising the standard for a more responsible pet disposition.

A history of measuring our impact on the environment

Pure Souls has a history of tracking our environmental impact across our value chain. Since established in 2021, we have been tracking energy usage from our headquarters. In 2022, with the development of our “Carbon Offsetting strategy” , we successfully achieved zero emissions and attained Carbon Neutral status.
38 tones offset
42 tones offset
46 tones offset
46 tones offset
*Number of tonnes offset can be verified on our Carbon Neutral partner website on this link

Carbon Offsetting Strategy

As we navigate the complexities of climate change, and understand the key role we play in shaping our future, the importance of integrating a voluntary carbon offsetting strategy to minimise our environmental impact as a business, is clear.

Measuring, reducing and offsetting our emissions with carbon credits from reputable Australian providers is how we do it.

Measuring Co2 Emissions

Our carbon footprint quantifies the total GHG (Green house gas) emissions produced directly or indirectly from our company’s activities. These are broken down into three categories

  1. Scope 1 Direct GHG Emissions: Emissions occurring from sources owned or controlled by Pure Souls. Including the combustion of fossil fuels within our buildings and fuel consumption in fleet vehicles.
  2. Scope 2 Indirect GHG Emissions: Indirect emissions resulting from the generation of Co2 from utility and service providers. Including waste collection and energy providers
  3. Scope 3 Indirect GHG Emissions: All other emissions in our value chain. Including emissions from the materials used for producing our urns, and landfilling our packaging.

Reducing Co2 Emissions

These are the strategies we currently use to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Reducing waste and single use plastic use
  • Sourcing 100% post-consumer recycle paper for marketing printables
  • Using only recycled paper and “only print if necessary” policies
  • Using electric powered equipment that is water and energy efficient
  • Purchasing 100% of our annual energy consumption with GreenPower
  • Using only recyclable, biodegradable and/or renewable materials for our products
  • Incorporating sustainable criteria into procurement and supply chains
  • Smart logistic strategies to reduce road travel and fuel consumption

*Green power accreditation can be verified on the following link greenpower.com.au

Reducing Co2 Emissions

After measuring, tracking and reducing our direct and indirect GHG emissions as much as possible, we use carbon offset credits form Australian reputable providers to compensate for the emissions we cant minimise and reduce our net emissions to zero. These carbon offset credits are invested in environmentally friendly projects where carbon dioxide Co2, is absorbed or removed. Our carbon offset credits are purchased from Carbon neutral and focus in forestry and carbon sequestration

Rimba Raya Carbon Offset Project

  • Biodiversity reserve Protection in Central Kalimantan on the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo.
  • Largest global REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project in terms of avoided emissions
  • Emissions are avoided through protecting the rainforest
  • Increases stored carbon as the forest trees grow over time
  • Avoided deforestation, protecting 64,500ha
  • 90km buffer zone between palm oil industry and national park

Gold Standard Australian Native Reforestation

  • Australia’s largest biodiverse reforestation carbon sink
  • Plants native species of trees and shrubs
  • The plantings are legally protected for 100 years by a Carbon Right and a Carbon Covenant on the land title
  • Encourages the reintroduction of endangered species and combats desertification in this Global recognised Biodiversity Hotspot.
  • Simultaneously delivers environmental, economic, social and heritage co-benefits..

Responsible Sourcing

If you’re searching for a pet cremation service provider that aligns with your values of protecting our planet, look no further. Not only are Pure Souls proud animal protectors and pet lovers, we’re also eco-warriors. Our unique eco-friendly products, are designed with sustainability in mind, giving YOU the power to make a difference.

Actively sourcing products in an sustainable and socially conscious way is a great challenge that we have committed to. We look for materials with less environmental impact without compromising on style and performance.

Our beautiful range of urns includes renewable, recyclable and biodegradable materials avoiding traditional metal urns and wooden caskets.
Our urns are a true statement of the uniqueness and beauty of our pets and make the perfect resting place for them and a beautiful addition to your  home

Below, we’ve included a list of the beautiful resources that make up the elegant range of Pure Souls Pet Aquacremation pet urns

CORK is one of the most sustainable materials available today. Nno trees are harmed in the harvesting of cork: it is 100 % biodegradable, and the total environmental impact is minimal. It’s natural, biodegradable, recyclable and renewable. We use cork mostly in the lids of our memorials.

BAMBOO is a natural and renewable resource. It’s a woody grass that grows extremely fast. Robust enough to be recycled into other products, it is also natural enough to be fully Biodegradable. We use bamboo for one of our urn style, for our unique laser-cut personalized pet tags and for the paw print decorations on the ceramic urns.

HONEYCOMB PAPER WRAP is our eco-friendly protective paper packaging material for ceramic urns. It’s a fantastic alternative to plastic bubble wrap and is biodegradable, recyclable, compostable and renewable.

CLAY is produced from natural materials and handcrafted using traditional artisanal methods. Although it could have a big footprint due to the energy used, our clay ceramic urns are non-glazed and single fired, meaning they can be reclaimed, reused and recycled.

SILK is a natural, biodegradable and renewable fibre that is soft, durable, hypoallergenic and odourless. Silk covers the inner space of our memories boxes to give them a luxurious finish and was chosen for its sustainability credentials.

GLASS is a    that provides great environmental benefits. It’s safe and durable, and we use it to keep a clip of fur as a memento of your furry friend to always keep them safe with you.

CARDBOARD is a bio-based material that is reusable, recyclable and biodegradable. Although the process of making it is not eco-friendly, the end-of-life impact is low. Wo use corrugated cardboard for fibre board boxes of for our memories boxes and for packaging.

STAINLESS STEEL is a durable material that is 100% recyclable. It has high intrinsic value and can be infinitely recycled. In fact, 80% of all steel products are made from recycled stainless scrap. We use stainless steel in our pet tags and decoration wings.

JUTE is one of the most sustainable fibres available. It’s harvested from the stem of a plant, and its fibre is coarse, strong and durable. Jute is renewable, biodegradable, compostable and recyclable.

RECYCLED PAPER is paper that is reconstituted into paper again. We purposely avoid unnecessary printing and endeavor to use minimal resource’s when we do so. Thus, our brochures, business cards and packaged greeting cards are all printed on 100% recycled paper using vegetable inks.

Certified FSC Wood & Paper Products
Opt for wood or paper products that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or similar organizations.

Giving Back

We celebrate life and the meaningful departure of our loved pets. Honoring a lifetime of unconditional love by giving back to nature with a memorial tree planting.

Giving back is at the cornerstone of Pure Souls’ philosophy and so we’ve chosen to partner with ‘One Tree Planted’, a not-for-profit focused on global reforestation. The importance of trees cannot be understated; whether it is biodiversity protection, clean water, combating climate change or simply leaving a better world for our children, planting trees is an important solution to some of the biggest problems facing our environment.The environmental impact that trees have on our planet is simply amazing. They’re a stabilising force for our climate. They regulate ecosystems, restore rainfall patterns and moderate the effects of sun, wind and noise. Trees play an integral part in the carbon cycle by cleaning our air, producing oxygen, enriching our soils and preventing erosion. They do all that and so much more, including supporting our livelihoods through the production of goods in in wood-related industries. Stopping deforestation, increasing reforestation and maintaining forests are therefore critical for humankind and life on earth. View our PLANT A TREE partnerships

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